Asset Valuation
In-depth Security AnalysisUnconventional Energy Research Ltd (“UER”) research coverage encompasses the North American oil and gas basins that interest most investors. UER specializes in asset valuation along with in-depth security analysis and fundamental petroleum economics.
Independent Asset Valuation
Strict independence eliminates all conflict that is often associated with traditional sell side research.
- NO investment banking relationships
- NO equity or debt financing conflicts of interest
- NO sales and trading activities or solicitation
- Investment assessments are fact-based on market realities and fundamental analysis
- Investment opinions have facts and insights which may provide a different view than market consensus
Comparing Investment Opportunities
UER creates models that allow clients to compare investment valuations on an “apples-to-apples” basis. The methodology employed provides consistent and comparable results of companies and assets across a broad research universe.
UER’s research reports allow comparisons between US and Canada based companies by helping clients understand the following.
- Differences in regulatory practices in reserve reporting
- Financial accounting practices and disclosure
- Production disclosure and regulatory reporting